Friday, February 4, 2011

The Wisdom of us here!

(Or are the mottled plumage of the tiger area, defects of teeth on a buffalo)

A tiger comes out from the forest, he saw a farmer plowing with an ox is the field. Wood Buffalo is committed to gradual, long long lashes were whipped into a butt. Tiger really surprised. By noon, open plow, near Buffalo Tiger went back to ask:

- Hey, he looks so healthy, why not let someone beat so miserable?

Buffalo Tiger replied softly in my ear:

- The small yet, but who have an intellect, boy!

Tiger does not understand, asked curiously:

- What is Wisdom? It like?

Buffalo do not know how to explain, had to answer through citrus:

- Wisdom is wisdom, but also what else? Want to know then ask him!

Tiger walked leisurely place and asked the farmer:

- Where is his wisdom, show me a little bit possible?

British farmer thought for a moment and then said:

- Wisdom me to stay home. To get him to see me. Do you need to, I'll give you a little.

Tiger heard, so happy.

British farmers to go global, do it remembered what came out saying:

- But where I come from, what if he's eaten buffalo me?

Tigers are disturbed not know how to answer, then the farmer has to say:

- Or is it hard for me to force him temporarily into this tree for me is peace of mind.

Tiger consent, the farmer went back tiger rope tied tightly to a tree. I get done around Tiger straw quality, fire and general:

- The Wisdom of us here! The Wisdom of us here!

Buffaloes prefer to see it too, but laughing cow fell over, unfortunately the upper jaw and the rock, the tooth does not fracture.

But after fighting off the ropes, the new Tiger bounced three feet four legs could not run straight into the woods looking back.

Since then, the tiger was born on my son also had long black stripes, which are vestiges of the burn, and buffaloes, the child does not have the teeth in the upper jaw.

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