Friday, February 4, 2011

The area of ground cloves

Once there was a large family child, parent winter so can not remember the name of each child. Being named a husband, a wife named Phang. But like many children, but the couple were due to play a lot more shifting and down the field, so life is not so needy.

Crop failure due to meet in heaven, how many varieties of rice to the couple for next season are being robbed of all the four villages. The couple must find the moss rock in the forest, the leaves on their children, but many do not earn enough; all day I kept calling my parents flood. And cried:

- Hungry, Dad, Mom!

Spouses and children, know that moss rocks, leaves not a dish instead of rice could be a long, two people trying to go for the village, who for a year, a few cotton seed rice, and hid the child , to develop forest cultivation season spark.

At home, her children so hungry, pulled together the forest for something to help feed hungry, but hungry at night they cry all night for:

- Hungry, Dad, Mom!

In the woods late at night, expect to hear the cubs, the couple cut the heart ache. The couple took turns speaking about the prospects for the peace of heart:

- The dear child! Rice is germinated.

When the rice has ken green, they expect to call:

- The dear child! Rice has more blue.

Of grain to date, the exhausted couple, but when I asked to hear the sound of two hungry, try to speak loudly so you hear:

- The dear child! Rice is cooked ...

And when the first batch of rice is finished, the newly retired couple immediately flung it right one for adults, take a split, right away and then brought home for me. But once home, they do not see the ball a little. Meanwhile, the outlook from the back woods of the language: L

- Hungry, Dad, Mom!

Extremely unhappy too, forced the couple carried away into the forest Ra, but not having any children. Meanwhile, the trees in front, back, left side, right side comes the cries still torn intestine:

- Hungry, Dad, Mom!

This time, the power couple have been exhausted. They can not but echo the mountains and forests in search of children anymore. Away two sets down and trying to call:

- The dear child! Here with her parents and eat away.

The call has ended, then a flock of birds flying from reclining to the entire forest full of beans. Birds singing:

- Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! We used fruit; also would give parents away!

Then the couple knew their cubs so hungry because of bird died. Old age, starvation, again had mercy on her children of birds, the couple broke away early in and out and die.

Parents found dead carpet too, birds chime throughout the forest, then we take away those holding up the grave for parents.

Later, the couple is opened, Phang trees grow very strange one: On a tree, under the old. Tubers are white and fragrant when cooked is as sticky plastic. It is grinding tubers. It is said that her poor husband had turned into grinding tool to save people the same situation as yourself.Their children are also flooding into birds "in state" usually chime in the mountains of grain season, to remind parents of the extreme suffering in the past.

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