Friday, February 4, 2011

The legend of his first vegetable

Once there the couple poor son. They are a living by serving as hired hired. Still poor, but they loved each other. Often at night after work, the couple sitting under the moonlight or the fire telling each other stories to be heard far and near, or singing verses of love, sometimes forget the fun meals.

Losing seasons a year, rice is very difficult search. Status of famine took place throughout the domain. Couple under the old rules seek jobs in rich but barely more rent. Public debt, the borrower shareholders that rice fields are very scarce so difficult to insert into the fall. Moreover, some old bald rich port is often closed because they do not want to disturb anyone. Perplexed husband had to open snails, or digging roots, picking vegetables for food.Although there are supporting parts, but the situation is rarely clear. The death threats they are always hungry for battle drag on. One afternoon, after a bowl of soup with some hup pennywort, husband to his wife:

- I have to go elsewhere for food, can not be at home.

Heard her husband say, the woman demanded to go to live and die with you. But the husband said:

- I will not know where they go and what will be done. She lives at home easier than me, should not according to hard to do. Not that we will stay along for the birds to mourn.But I also do not know about bringing a good bunch of money on this mo raising her so well! Alas! Destiny! Her three-year wait for me, listen! I do not see all three years he is returning home I spent a determined person. She went on to remarry.

The wife crying pitifully in front mourning scene really. But do not even know how she had to go to her husband.After dropping her husband, the woman find a job in a house. What their homes are not rich, but her injury circumstances, intend to help through the protein on the carpet. Here, women earn two meals per day, including a potato meal porridge meal. Thanks and pretty cold so she took the hearts of all. But the shape of a dear husband never faded in her mind.

Time went fast flowing water. It was less reference to the recent severe famine. She is on her husband on suspense.But the grapefruit tree front yard has blossomed three times that her husband has not seen the mind. Between the then owner had wrapped her in fasting, his wife has just died. Available in love with her, he offered to be connected with her condition. But he did not understand the hearts of the young woman. Her answer is:

- My husband of three-year appointment will be for me. By now I believe my husband is dead. So for me to mourn her husband of three years for the rest.

Three years passed again staggering. Not a character, a number of rumors about bad people. Every day, the sunset, she still gazed on the ball the way the travel office. And then she cried all the tears dry. Urged the other man her decision:

- One is her husband died, two are alive but have a different family in a remote place. Anyway she is also hard to expect a reunion. Europe is with me setting up a new family. My health and my full security of her happy life.

She revised tinted white towel ring, thanks to his post and would love to wait for another year navel. Another year passed without bringing back a news nothing new. This time last she believed her husband was dead. After a meal of wine and entertained them with her husband every village, to live with her new husband.

Suddenly three months later, her former husband portable pack to return home. He does not seem better off before.He just hugged the hope that seeing his wife loved. But this old garden has belonged to the new owner. He muttered: "That is all. Because of both." The man suddenly became about making people bewildered. Most married couples do not know how to speak now. Woman flexing shy. But her former husband turned to them and comfort them.

- I'm away too long. That was totally my error. She behaved like that very right. I just need to see her a bit.That is enough. Now I will leave this place forever.

Although his wife begged out, although a respectable husband and wife would return, but he insisted on going away shirt. He always fails out of their happiness. But he also does not go far because the liver can not forget his ex-wife. Concerns of abuse torment his mind. Puppet head as mess. He thought of death and a hysterical time, he hanged himself on the tree top villages.

Death as a terrible thunder exploded in the early woman.She felt herself is the culprit causing the death of her former husband. Why are we waiting for her husband seven years without frying wait little longer? Why is that her husband came home, I dare not face? She could not be more autonomous. All questions as to condemn quietly but firmly in her mind.

Then the next morning, while it was going to take the silver cloud man destined to panic, people pull together again to recover the corpse woman in the pond beside the house. After her new husband to his wife that, as people become insane. Two deaths hit hard on everyone's mind, particularly for men have never had an intense feeling to it. He constantly shouted: "Why do we deliberately robbed of another wife." Then one day, bring all their possessions after they split for goods and offerings to the temple, he committed suicide with poison.

Now down to the afterlife, all three men were taken to the court of public opinion Pluto to the crime. Once everyone has come here must embrace the truth declared in the heart. According to the testimony of her former husband, the guy can not be separated from his ex-wife. He died in the village is the reason only hope she has always been close. Her new husband also testified that he has very deep feelings for his new wife, though officially married only three months. Pluto's status when he asked for his ex-wife how he raised a finger, then compare that a party of ten, a party may be one. Turn to the woman, she confesses that his love for her ex-husband occupies a spacious room in our hearts, and with her new husband, she also can not forget the guy's passion.

Pluto is very touching to listen. People who like this also very rare. Needs to be done for the three living together forever. After thinking for a long time, Pluto for three of his first three from the vegetables so they parted and let the fire heats always love them. At the same time for their king room Kitchen looking after the kitchen had one, that is, each family a mortal.

Quote "The land of Vietnam" - Nguyen Dong Chi

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