Friday, February 4, 2011

Poor guy

Once there we were poor it dropped the spinach, he wandered away looking for work but may not fit the one leasing. But after that, a merchant ship owners found him healthy again at swimming as a new lease on his crew, he promised to give him three meals of rice a day and forty-one years of prepayment. He thought not so happy any more, yet held on her thirty-related criteria, and ten offices, they bring to spend on apparel.

Boats unload, five days to cross the sea is always a big town. On the wharves crowded buyers who sell such associations. Sailors told him:

- Here is what trade is. Just buy some home sales to be profitable resolve themselves.

This old guy does not know the currency traders should be held within ten hands, do not know what to buy goods.Suddenly, he saw a man carrying a landing attempt of a dog tied thrown into a river. Get injured, he quickly stopped and asked if proper justification. He said that this dog is the boss. Today the party moved the market to buy meat, do not know how to take place awkward lost dogs.Dog owners angry hit a game tying extra dead wrong to live without the river bank. Heard this, he would buy a dog. The man smiled and said:

- It's only professional affair, he bought what?

Poor guy replied:

- The person who, to sell it to me!

Finally he shouted out three important acquisition dog. He then unleashed it back to where their dogs to work.

After a moment, he saw a woman carrying a cat thrown into a river full. He stopped and asked the guy with proper justification. When you know the cat's guilt is just an affair, he begged to give their animals. Seeing the woman advised not to buy cats bad habits, he does not listen and said:

- Seeing the shelves! She just sold it to me!

The cat is finally escape. And its new owner after three offices to buy floss, bring the dog tied nearby. Sitting alone on the boat, sad, he came off the boat onto the river walk. Suddenly he saw a herd of three children caught a water snake, whip attempt to use criminal process. He ran to prevent:

- They do not hit it, it is solid water, with none hurt?

- "Despite us" - the children answered, then continued: "We caught it, we hit, he needed to do?"

Seeing them trying to kill snake insisted, he used the money to save innocent animals. They claim the year. But after he was down by one. So take all the money to turn to the end. Buy snake, he quickly drop it back down river to the country. We sailors hear him tell of their purchases, they are faint smile, to be a little naive. He just sat silently, not saying anything.

When the boat started to return around midnight, he suddenly found rowing a water snake swam up from the river to give her a gem to say:

- My father is the Dragon King saved my life thank you, let me give you a pearl or as "cross-ice" to invite him to play.Wear your pearls on, he can go under water as well as on the set.

He heard the snake rushed to follow the water down the waterway. Long Wang, he was indeed very entertaining post, and he donated many treasures of gold pearl. Then he was taken to the Dragon King's to take home.

Boat owners that he disappeared, like he had fallen into the water, boat docks is reset local commune. But when people return to their homeland, they are very surprised because he was young sailors arrived home three days ago.

From there he became wealthy. But I still live a normal life with their mothers. The dog, a cat is he still in rescue he never left. Later, he got married. His wife is a very nice girl. She loves jewelry. See pearl "with regular" lighting a corner cupboard, she likes that too, so one day bring to steal a goldsmith, beat his own protection ring.Unexpectedly, the jeweler little known gems in the world, others went for a similar but fraudulently steal treasures.

When you know things he used stolen sailors became upset. Every day he went to the river, hoping to find water snakes, but how to meet cha. Dog and cat owners are not happy that one day the owner would say go find a pearl.

The way to the jeweler to a wide river. There is no way to cross the two animals kept on the bank around. Later they found an otter into the house and asked it to help the River. Otter call for its friends stand together, form a raft, dog and cat sitting on the back, carrying across the river peacefully.

Once home to the goldsmith, the cat told the dog:

- To climb up the roof I cried for a few hours in the neighborhood dogs barking luxuriant again. So you just follow the royal road to the port, no one knows.

As expected, the dogs of the sewing goldsmith yowl quickly come out fired. The cat leads them away so we sneaked into the dog hiding under the basement, and sound.

When two animals meet, they find stuff around the house.All the wealth of old jewelry chests are out in the car, always lock tight, not easily be reached. Then the cat trying to find, catch a mouse. Lord forgive van mouse network. Cat told her it leads to mouse princess met offline. Stating that her cat to come here and ask him to help me get to the jewels, in return promised not to touch the cat to his family home. Old yellow princess puppet mouse squeak.

- To protect flood my children, a servant in the house carved chest, look for him.

But when entering the chest, rats forever not find that pearl. Mouse princess road to let cats know, and said:

- In this chest is a silver box. Maybe it's hidden in it; The box that it was hard to chew.

- So how now? - Ask the cat.

- The only way we will be teaming up with neighbors through our wide bore holes to reach the box, how did he find out here for.

- So do fold away.

In one night, the neighborhood took the mouse to the cat box. Two animals trying to break the box, that pearl of the results. They are extremely thankful.

After leaving his house jeweler, bring pearl dog cat competition. But time was about to cross the river, yelled at each other because the other dog, the dog accidentally splashed into the water makes the pearl. Pearl saw a fish swimming quickly to the bite and swallow immediately.

Found lost dogs pearl, cat was very angry, yelled for a match even currency. Bug said, very quietly, finally sample Mao:

- Know how now?

Think for a moment, the cat finds a dog insurance plan:

- We will find the fishing boats in the area would stay with them. Then just when they question the fish has swallowed the pearl, it will seek to bring about snatch.

Ruse or praise the dog, four cats and found a family fishing boats parked in the river drying mesh. Two animals showed very wise, gentle home should be treated kindly all.

A few days later, he hit fishermen catch fish is a great baseball, bowel surgery, the jewel that is. Dogs and cats glowing and expectant. While both are awarded for each gem to see the strange, the dividends on the cat owner.When the first human mind, it jumps up grabbing gems and immediately get bent tail jumps up on the beach away.Seeing this, three-legged dog and four legs to run before the bewildered eyes of his father some fishing.

Cat, dog paintings bring this gem. Cats to face, let:

- Last time suck fall away, this is a great way to first team. Then going to the ball, fear no more.

It says how they do it.

No doubt go a distance, then a crow flying over the cat, and suddenly swooping down and fly bites taken up beans on branches high. Found lost jewel, in turn scolded dog cat is evil, then said:

- Jade falling water can be regained, but they do not fly to the sky pink.

Cat sad, but reflect for a moment, let it:

- Yes. I have devised a scheme.


- What Next?

Cat said:

- Assume caught dead crows.

After those words the cat running down the river drinking a belly full of tension. Clips dog back to scare away a hiding place, and I'd go to a white belly exposed tree HEU pretended to be dead. Crows are hydrated gem, sitting on tall trees overlooking a glimpse of a dead animal the ball, rushed down the whole edge of flesh fly. But when the crows have approximately the cat jumped back to grab Ravens. Van Ravens Lord for returning gem for cats to be spared. Cats just waiting for that, grabbing jewels taken away.

This time, both children to arrive home one perfect pearl.Sailor regained Dragon King's gift items, were overjoyed as two animals more endearing sense and sentiment.

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