Sunday, February 6, 2011

Referring how to correct?

  This problem in the field of linguistics, education, but to involve many traditional customs. Hear new ideas so simple, the child was three well known. Indeed, children were learning to speak both parents and siblings showed a vocative, but still to big old mistakes. Sometimes just because a small error in the vocative which caused severe prejudice.

    For other Asian countries, personal pronouns have three home: People say, people listen and people, objects, events mentioned in the statement.Only if there are six basic services in Vietnamese is simple: I, you, him, them, we create, we eyebrow.

    For example: "My parents told me to bring grandchildren to visit my father, the two instruments." This question if for the translation from foreign languages are as follows: "They told me they gave it to meet you."
in Vietnam since we were small, should he then called his age, your age should not you be then called "press machine I", "a stage mother." We should sympathize with foreigners learning Vietnamese. Vietnamese personal pronouns are very diversified, but also very complex, this complex is difficult, even in personal pronouns have brought our feelings, express love, anger, respect , contemptuous hate, formal, informal ...

    Vocative in the way of distinction we have a clear hierarchy. I asked her: Why he told me sir temperamental, so that his grandson said he had no natural children. I also do not understand why their parents called me the guy called me Yi Jia was also named the parents are not. Why old uncle then called "his children."

    Vocative ways to use our words depends on the relative level between the speaker and the preliminary hearing. For example, very intimate friends call each other by machine, he is precious, my friends call each other by him or by him shall be deemed to ridicule your file together. In contrast, the new acquaintances that rudimentary machine is considered impolite, sometimes frustrating to hear answers not even discarded. Elderly and elderly man, but when it means "I asked the old man" is very different from "old man I asked." There are also cases of "senior" is not necessarily old, but how its nickname.

    If their internal relations, they are called by the foreign relations of close friendship than sex, although his younger peers but their parents are known by the uncle, aunt in accordance with an honorific them. Conversely, for those who have older children, but despite the order to let out "offensive" so called by him, he, he he ... Considered rather call me, my grandchildren, so elegant and polite.

    Purely social relationship, no relationship, but according to etiquette, "Director of parent most minnows, minnows collection of sub-chief" (more than a year old brother, a father more than ten years old), ie horizontal crown by the father that called uncle. This is allowed honored.

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