Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring, remember the country of Vietnamese expatriates

"Every year, too, just set foot in that store candy, jam or cakes ... are the images rushing back home again. I kept my tears rolling down her cheeks, she cried like a baby though already a mother, "Do Nations East, living in Warsaw, Poland share.

"9 years of living abroad is by the time I lived there during the Tet nostalgia but at home. For each occasion, I was sad to see the heart does. In life and in the West, but we have always order to keep living under the Vietnamese style.
Each spring, the couple re-enlist to shopping outlets in Asia. Just set foot in that store items are reminiscent of New Year she cried.
Each morning of youth, I went to work as usual, while she is at home cleaning the altar, their homes and prepare a few dishes Eve worship. Evening of the couple and the little girls sit together every moment to the countdown time in Vietnam. The moment, no one told anyone anything, by just mentioning someone is home to 2 hours of tears fell.
This spring, I decided to take home to Vietnam. My wife is the happiest, when she was also involved twitter as a child, throughout the day to calculate the time it will be on more days and then eagerly went shopping, preparing each gift to a loved one.
Remember back in the countryside, the suburbs of Hanoi Year should retain the traditional definition is very specific. 30 pm on the wings of their sons together to ancestral graves. Women also described the preparation steps of the altar, preparing food. My favorite is the mother brought home shopping, choose to be with each bundle is the line, each bundle of crackers and cakes prepared package.
Also with rice cakes, meat, beans, pepper, but why eat at home again so strong, are still frozen tissue rolls, sweet rolls ears so strangely. In particular, a dish of melon. In Poland have all of the Vietnamese food but based on the find in the supermarket eyestrain never.
So this year my wife and I know about, a month before the New Year my mother was going to buy onions in salt. For a delicious dish of melon, she must select each white onion or pilgrimage, are, will make the delicious and sweet smelling purple ...".
Born and raised in Hanoi so with Pham Thuy Duong, studying in London, England, New Year always brings a very special flavor.
"As a child, I was trained by her mother to buy blueberries in Nhat Tan, went clothes shopping. Larger than a bit of it is the New Year with friends roamed every street just to pick up some sundry items boyfriend relatives.
By the 3 rd day, according to rules "Celebration of a festival of father, mother plaited two nets, mosquito-3 Tet teacher", the whole class together to visit the teachers. Everything is just like that time has only recently become celebrated. Has some spring, I was Tet at home, with parents, siblings and relatives.
In England, on this special day, I only know the networks talk to their relatives in the country, feel the taste of the sounds for the New Year with nostalgia. At times like these, I missed the soap into the womb, are sitting around talking politics with his father and hungry to eat the food cooked by her own hand.
But this New Year will be different because I have decided to return home. I would eat something that the new Hanoi alone, sitting drinking tea in small shops on Bui Thi Xuan Street.
Perhaps it reminds me most when away from home is the flavor of Hanoi pho.Every time you visit home, my first job was rewarded himself a delicious bowl of pho. I often see women selling noodles and admiring joke 'to London where she founded the group in her home town to kill'.
Indeed, until now, noodles were present in nearly all countries who live in Vietnam but does not understand why every time back, was sitting at the wooden table ... Xếch stormed back to me please do so. May be because eating pho in Hanoi, I was inhaling second galaxy fragrant rose from the pot of boiling water is used on the coal stove. And best of all is probably because I want to feel the warmth spreading from the huge kitchen, fully tempered carbon black in a cold winter morning, as my tool Nguyen Tuan 'In the nostalgic, remembering the country, including a memory pho '.
In addition to pho, the noodle soup, hot rolls or Cha Ca La Vong is also something that I choose to return every occasion. "
After four years of "labor export" to Angeri work, this year will be his first New Year Ta Hien Hanh (Hanoi) is eaten at home.
"Angeri is an Islamic country, not many Vietnamese live your life so that we lack enough surface. These items easily available at home such as fish sauce, pork and shrimp, then at this party become a specialty.
4 so that the New Year, I'm not tasting the food flavor country such as cakes, rolls, cha ... Eve, all of Vietnam Labor regular meeting together, to get alcohol nostalgia filled the family home gnawing memory.
While earlier, the days in the country, I usually celebrate in all three regions: North, Central South. The reason is born in Ha Tay, but married people living in the West and Bao Loc (Lam Dong). Year, I put out with his wife and children inside the family home, take me back in the foreign, sometimes staying in Lam Dong.
This year, after receiving proper notice of the traditional New Year, I immediately called to tell the family. Heard two little boys happy that I cried happy tears.
And then I started counting the days to be on, planning shopping. Da Lat wine drink is my first choice, along with a fellow wine of the Highlands. To 3 rd, I will take you to the North Tet with grandparents, they found the interior. This is also the opportunity for children to try to eat the food of the North, can only be dried bamboo shoot soup pot or ball-drop soup, but taste very different.
But perhaps the dish that I remember most is her own hand made paper items. In trays of traditional Vietnamese, I have never seen something missing spring rolls.The paper round, thick, crispy golden tan unwinding of fat, eat the same vegetables, delicious bowl of sauce so that strangely attractive. "

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