Sunday, February 6, 2011

Does "higher trays greeting"?

In Vietnamese the word "Welcome" is often accompanied with the word "ask" and "invite", how to greet, offer, offer extra at each locality has a different tradition, again dependent on the object and greet style of greeting.

    For the elderly, stand obsequious honorific "sir native instruments" are instruments in love immediately but for the middle class to do so advanced that it mocked people thought, "Go through the tilted cone does not offer" not because of hate each other so indifferent to each other but are so in love with words but also by the corner of the eyes smile, with eyes more clearly the case mouth.

    Greetings go together, asked to offer: "He does not care?" "Where is he going there?" Many asked vaguely, asking not to be answered, but if not, then say hello to the people cold contempt.

    Offered in parallel with each other: truly be distinguished invited or asked to change the greeting. Ridiculous! Passengers on two boats along the river, opposite each other are also invited to dinner invitation greeting rather than a purely one jumps to the other boats Where to eat! the official greeting is not higher than the trays. There are no trays when, just down the offer, e wrong, but indeed, all that high wheels bland greeting, despise, haughty, the trays are also omitted.

    Expression style greeting people, to express the family's routines, fine traditions of both local and our nation. However, in each place is different, each a different time. The past few days offered by Lord, by now offering a shake. We will return to this issue in the question "Who is some one Lord."

Vocative in the family

Having considered all the family tree diagrams they know: I attached some life things, my life is on the who, what its genus, any branch, of the shoulder with her in them, which ones? There is a new scheme to distinguish in the secondary in each of them self-identified ethnic relations within which the true vocative, attaching a note, a medical doctor, he out me, you out so you ... Title within different ethnic vocative in society, from a reputation for "a stage mother." In society based on age and status positions in the clan-based stuff, but when dealing with particular individuals have to be combined in a way vocative in society in relation to age. By descent may be correct, he calls me Mr. A must pay, but I also call him "uncle" A, A because he was the old, known by her awkward and impolite. A I call him "uncle" is called instead of my grandchildren, even though my younger me but on the second level with his grandfather A. But if the little old too, but he also referred to by any means, it may be lowered by attaching a new order which called intimate.
While compiling our family tree with relatives in their questions: Genealogy is confusion between what we spend in them or not? Why did X. But my younger grandson, but I have to call him X. with him.
Please answer: it is a widespread phenomenon is nothing special. Even in a family with children including, but not yet released Arabia: the phenomenon of "You suck sister, feeding her children" is common in the old society, only two had died a difference life, then the row over their lifetime, the gap of three miles away there is nothing strange.
in rural dream relationship seconds through the interlaced roots of cheek connection between paternal and maternal relatives, the way vocative even more complex, usually the husband agreed to her uncle vocative with the local physician outside the same, but there are also cases where blood ties different body called by my husband, his wife called "uncle" or vice versa.But even so, "Blood of time than water", referred to by their relationship is more intimate family known as social relations.

Vocative couple together how?

  Vietnam who have small to large, talking to old ears, but if used for foreign interpretations of expression is fully nuanced language since it interesting. For example: "My Home" translated into French as "Ma maison" the French do understand.

    Nowadays young couples confess to each other "me me me me" how lovingly intimate! Although her husband less than three years older chips to be me. Back forty years ago, the European family of more or less, the couple called each other by "his" also express strong feelings, call each other by "you, open and elegant, but which also alien to the countryside, a modern but still want to call neighbors shy, just show love to each other secretly in the chamber, just enough for two people whispered to each other to listen.Calling each other by name "empty" is also a big improvement, but the old tools, just call each other by a young "boy was released," "u it", "mother him" ... New people get married without children, husbands do not have any positions that call then what? Nick too, is new to her sister, wanted to call her husband was playing on a neighbor, vocative not know how it came to a lane called "one dear! Go home to eat." From the "nobody" here is not the question words, pronouns, or just gossip that means "my dear husband."

    But when talking to others, introducing his wife or her husband as "my house". From "my home" really strong bond, "her" and "me" but the two but one. "My Home" that is "my husband" or "my wife" can not say "wife", "her husband" is "it's his home state."

    Husband and wife talk to each other or talk often empty, "Hey! Ra told me!" or "What nobody told me" ...

Referring how to correct?

  This problem in the field of linguistics, education, but to involve many traditional customs. Hear new ideas so simple, the child was three well known. Indeed, children were learning to speak both parents and siblings showed a vocative, but still to big old mistakes. Sometimes just because a small error in the vocative which caused severe prejudice.

    For other Asian countries, personal pronouns have three home: People say, people listen and people, objects, events mentioned in the statement.Only if there are six basic services in Vietnamese is simple: I, you, him, them, we create, we eyebrow.

    For example: "My parents told me to bring grandchildren to visit my father, the two instruments." This question if for the translation from foreign languages are as follows: "They told me they gave it to meet you."
in Vietnam since we were small, should he then called his age, your age should not you be then called "press machine I", "a stage mother." We should sympathize with foreigners learning Vietnamese. Vietnamese personal pronouns are very diversified, but also very complex, this complex is difficult, even in personal pronouns have brought our feelings, express love, anger, respect , contemptuous hate, formal, informal ...

    Vocative in the way of distinction we have a clear hierarchy. I asked her: Why he told me sir temperamental, so that his grandson said he had no natural children. I also do not understand why their parents called me the guy called me Yi Jia was also named the parents are not. Why old uncle then called "his children."

    Vocative ways to use our words depends on the relative level between the speaker and the preliminary hearing. For example, very intimate friends call each other by machine, he is precious, my friends call each other by him or by him shall be deemed to ridicule your file together. In contrast, the new acquaintances that rudimentary machine is considered impolite, sometimes frustrating to hear answers not even discarded. Elderly and elderly man, but when it means "I asked the old man" is very different from "old man I asked." There are also cases of "senior" is not necessarily old, but how its nickname.

    If their internal relations, they are called by the foreign relations of close friendship than sex, although his younger peers but their parents are known by the uncle, aunt in accordance with an honorific them. Conversely, for those who have older children, but despite the order to let out "offensive" so called by him, he, he he ... Considered rather call me, my grandchildren, so elegant and polite.

    Purely social relationship, no relationship, but according to etiquette, "Director of parent most minnows, minnows collection of sub-chief" (more than a year old brother, a father more than ten years old), ie horizontal crown by the father that called uncle. This is allowed honored.

Teach your child from the womb square

Vietnam has a proverb saying: "Teach me from childhood square - Teaching helpless wife from the new square."
in here we want to raise: Not only children from childhood that square must teach children right from when they are in the womb. Because the material and spiritual life of the pregnant women directly affected the health and spirit of the child's future.
The ancients used to say: "Woman tenderness, are apt to have children. Thai is a natural product of the sky and land. He is not sick, do not need medication."
According to traditional medicine "... the human mind is fear gas power, coal and gas are not enough, the open fontanel, the human spleen regulate air meager, the child care discharge less shy. The mother is in air , why is she not careful! I do not drink a lot of drugs, alcohol, petrol and acupuncture do not skewer, do not go great, do not urinate on the spot often, do not climb dangerous storm brewing, do not shoulder the heavy , do not loose sex, do not sleep much, do not wear too warm, do not eat it too. The spirit must be sincere, not committed to the sexually frustrated (too happy, angry, too hurt, too jealous , love too, desire too etc. ..). For children born after this frank solemn mouth, the mother should say straight to work upright. Women do bad rap does not care delivery is, people thought that in heaven hate, who knows that: It is caused by themselves. Because air is thriving in the liver to the intestine, three circuits: the heart, spleen, kidneys were thriving so difficult birth ... " (According to "Spare the fluke of nature" of Hai Thuong Lan Ong).
Therefore folk have a saying: "Dry tree buds, single people without children."
Need to educate their children in the womb from which the scientific term called "Thai teachers." Ancient forebears were teachings future mothers (women) do not be angry, panic, do not think it's bad, bad work, heard it, looked miserable situation, to talk, walk grace ...
There is close relationship between fetal health and maternal mood, the unborn child with the outside world, react "receive" or "Denying" of the fetus before the impact of external environment .
According to scientific research: human personality is formed very early, even before birth. thoughts, feelings and the sadness in the joy of the mother child transmission. Many pregnant women know maintaining emotional balance thereby preserving the health of children. The pain suffered by the mother during pregnancy, strongly affected newborns. Passionate heart for the unborn child as a means of preserving the health of the child best, and may influence decisions to later mother-child relationship "...

Vietnam customs

"Feng" is the style has spread, "Process" is a long-standing habits. The content covers all aspects of customs and social activities ....
Customs and customary law has become secondary, deep, rooted in people's very durable, powerful than the law. In the traditional culture of the people of Vietnam, has many fine traditions and customs need to make people moral, social discipline.
Customs and customary law has become secondary, deep, rooted in people's very durable, powerful than the law. In the traditional culture of our nation, there are many fine traditions and customs need to make people moral, social discipline.
A revolution can be quickly changes, followed by a series of legal system is changed. Etiquette is also ever-changing trends in socio-cultural changes, but more persistent and has its own rules, not easy overnight was everyone, every family, every class to follow. Since then many people continue or to imitate each other, bad people will continue to mimic each other out gradually.
Themselves also in the tradition of social struggle has been and will continue forever between old and new. Even the concept of beauty is always changing. For example, the tufts of hair for men is clearly outdated, but also through the new long struggle to lose, but the black teeth of old women were praised as beautiful, as charming, several years after August Revolution nobody mandatory constraints that naturally disappear to make room for white teeth.
Movement to build a new cultural life today, not merely subjective based on the idea that to know the fine traditions applied to living, thinking, acting, how to treat the person, where with evolving trends. Traditional customs have originated from practical experience in the life of old, far more inappropriate time, become immorality, we also need research to know the reason, then apply for a new love with present and future, or timnhung or to add custom links which gradually eliminate bad ones.
Of course, the nature of each individual must live, communicate and integrate with society, the fashion bubble, contrary to custom, national identity, contrary to the eyes of the wider public will dig Waste and gradually eliminated. Therefore the tradition too, restore and promote the morals and customs, will surely be all strata support, welcome, restoration to revive the immorality will be condemned by society.
The content presented in the form of questions and answers in this book to answer only partially the origin of the custom has existed in our country, for your reference, self-analysis, in which one or so, which one should leave, which is limited to those deemed not leave immediately, depending on specific circumstances that apply tolerated for proper ...
The author himself would also be a small contribution in the fight above. We hope to receive understanding and support as well as the sincere comments of the audience near and far.
Tan Vietnamese

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dog of god

In ancient times, in a upstream domain it covered, with the aging of the population they are beloved Le as the father, because for many years ruled the region, specifically to treat people like children in the house, not a job which is not unjustly considered specific.

Le additive position they have a very wise dog, be loved like a tool. The office is complete, each night sleeping on the tool down the opium addict, loyal animal is next to the foot, looked all seem full of affectionate, intelligent eyes seemed no sense of humanity is four feet. Sometimes the old man stopped his hand stroking the animals loved each other and watched as four exchange feelings into words not spoken.

One night, the old man is always in the crash did not get up again. People were crying in the grief is as father to death. Bury finished, people leave, the new code on the throne, the faithful dog lingered moaning, pouring tears, shouted at each brain shirt.

Le son as he both instruments Tribe, so long thanks to the teaching of his excellent education, was appointed successor dead. Le Tong streak but very different instruments covered in the rule often proved harsh, greedy, brutal. For the Le tools before, people have feelings, so are you all today for the Tribe, they hate that much.

Both Tong just to mimic his father at one point was smoking drugs, smoking night at the Le tools to lower blood. People were forced to provide sufficient care for the new drug agency, who offers to pay, and missed drug sting was not good as the reviews just before the line.

One night more than usual Tong smoking, lying dreamily optimistic the oil lamp, light suddenly heard a noise and then saw the dog jumped down mahogany, lying below the light wheels opiates. Tong shouted to him leave, but was too drunk, just a few hours muttered: "Go away, damn map!

Smart eyes of animals that stared back discomfort Tong, stammered: "You shit!" Then silent, amazed, frightened dog found exclaimed: "Why do you insult me, kick me out? I do him harm?

Through horrific minutes, Tong calm down, noticed the dog's funny to hear speak, just told it: "Hey, you're a dog, how to say are the other"? Tong is not laughing then chokes up for a dairy. The dog said: "You're wrong, so I just thought he was a dog, actually, I was god."

- God! Than ... Dogs!

Tong wanted to laugh, but was drunk by the people, so only half open eyes almost smiled.

- You do not believe my words, you?

Tong laughed and replied:

- I do not believe anything holy.

- Then one day he is required to file, but that day is not far from where.

- Date that is, as ever you do for me only the most important, loin in the forest to beg for food.

The dog did not respond immediately, he did not even notice anymore Tong, continued smoking grill. While the Tribe pulled ro ro drugs, tell the dog how to speak my sins and the charge: "You should repent to go, following the example of specific days, lest pity for the dead souls" .Concrete bored listening preachify animal lifted her head and said: "I was bored headset then you said, you go alone." His voice became stern dog: "You want to wear him then. I went there, but was soon back where he should meet me. You just remember the words he said:" When only the most important, loin in the forest to beg. "After this the dog jumped into the soil.

Tong asleep, asleep in a nightmare, time to wake up, stretch up head pounding. Youngest member of increasingly harsh, was ordered home arrest claim bribe rich people eat, the poor tortured beaten. The dog that did not come back again, forget the night Tong also met in the animal's father.

One afternoon the sky like the clouds dancing spell, a messenger with a government of soldiers to the front lines.The leader has just dismounted, ordered the government or inform. Quan Tong government troops almost daily still banned in the wake not sleep as I was, so people could not wait to call home. Strangers loudly ordered again, a new servant soldiers crept into the room with fear and trembling, dear native. Apostolic government is sleeping on the harsh scolding loudly, but you hear a guest, and he hurried up caps to Happiness obsequious welcome.Because the other guests is the messenger of the court to inform the king about to conquer over here soon.

So these days, local people must be miserable hundred pm, for the government to lower the required everyone to get rid of all the work to prepare incense jubilantly displayed on the road to welcome the emperor. Soldiers home again spoiled the chance to make love, people do crime, cost portable, harassed enough. Government troops have beaten ê hands because, over the exchange's work.

Go to dwell on the King, the Apostolic Movement shipping clothes, men sit with stretchers covered parasols carried away most welcome. When the king saw the ball procession in the distance, the Tribe was down stretchers, waiting arms beside incense smoke immense quiet rooms.Suddenly, from a roadside bush dog released, leaping people snapping the Tribe that the court serving torn.Soldiers almost no time to panic out of hand, turn the dog got away.

Tong had barely finished the soul, the price has come far.Who saw the ragged clothes, almost naked, do not use the king was angry, severely punished in order to immediately staff the blasphemous, dare to welcome the emperor in a ceremony impaired, such as military.

Tong Arab government complained about the Lord van accidents have occurred, but not be skeptical to rate. The king was aware of the ways of evil people who embezzle government, came on this occasion that the dread of natural death. The courtiers of the king begin to be stripped of command of the Tribe, coming as civilians and beheaded right in front pavement lese majeste.

Tribe tied the lead on the first headquarters, was turned into law school. While preparing executioner, a local senior citizens to apply for release of King, for him, the king should think the souls of the wise old man born Le Than Tong them that forgiveness for children unfortunate death.King approved the emergency request. Tong escaped death, thanks Lord the King, make mistakes back roads avoiding people.

Tribe men into the woods nearby, ran, until completely hidden among thousands of trees, people do not see the ball, his new material down to the foot of a tree that smells cry, hate pity, shame. Bitter tone, fatigue lim riders.Time to awaken, that it was late afternoon, gnawing hunger in their bellies, Lom lunch standing up, losing an embroidered look to stream water and forest make fruit leather. Tong whipped around in the woods day to day, forest fruit, drink water, avoid the paths, afraid of what he saw his death scene. Hunger and cold, wild animals, between hard woods, Tong suffered bite teeth, do not want to return to humankind, because pride has been hurt.

One day, Tong went to a forest glade, he saw a shabby hut near a stream. Healthy people were exhausted, hungry craving for lunch makes Tribe no longer hold pride anymore. Tong Crystal heel towards the hut, looking like Bliss is a place for him at that time. Before coming to the door of the tent, found in water in a stream, put both hands la.i Tong stop scooping out some drinks, and water on hand for the alert.

Tong panic when you realize that the mirror reflection of her face haggard emaciated, dull black body, skin and bones, ragged clothes, dirty. He smashed the mirror, as if to erase pursue their gruesome pictures then plug the escape attempt, but was tired, lost bashfulness, pears into the thatched hut.

The door opened, Tong found out a girl about fifteen years Trac, coarse brown clothes torn, but looks very gentle and beautiful. The girl at first did not look out of fear when you see a stranger, but it looks looks emaciated, weak man's handsome, a thief can not be robbed, should be satisfied immediately. A burly man came up behind her voice to ask.

It was a woodcutter family, living in the coastal forest, as flood happily with separate lives. They invited Tong at home, having dinner invitation for a meal. Tong never eat so much delicious, red rice and cassava mixed with rock salt served in the cup sesame seeds, roasted salted, the diet of this, he felt doubly appreciate the fine delicacy in the present drive porcelain, silver cup to the time.Woodcutter who could not help smiling when guests enjoy wow frugal meal, eat four bowls filled with flame. Landlords invited to pour a cup of wine Tong forest, he seemingly has taken on the first click wine, found a high lifetime to the past, has never been so delicious eating.

Tong then politely thank all homeowners and then offered to go. Tong woodcutter who found weakness, telling him to leave again tomorrow goods.

That evening, Tong sleep on a piece of old ones, but most feel comfortable life. The hardship, deprivation, how many day blizzard build a vehement fever, the next morning forcing a Tribe does not sit up well. In the mainland a few days, Tong Li was coma, thanks to his wife who went for smoking woodcutter in the forest on a new identity for drinking dropping illness. When Tong was recovered, the last woodcutter said: "I do not know where he came, to go, but if he is not home this mode, there is still sunlight off rain rather than wander the inviting outdoor I stayed here with us. Firewood is not lack of forests, as long as his hard work with us. "

Tong hesitate, looking up suddenly see black eyes withdraw, in light of the girl being stared at her, waiting for questions.

- I stayed.

Concrete and can only say that from that day, he began sharing the life of the woodcutter, the heavy and the fun of this poor family. Soon he learned a lot at night or in effort to break out in exchange for life, but mine pen research, business history has never known him.

Ban on felling of forests into firewood, I also teach Tong girls school under the lights dim smoke filled plastic. He did not hit a hard age to help around, happily taking swift progress of her naive pupil. Unsigned girl was excited every time near the strange boy secrets, there is no reminder of the past, when coal is far away in the early church.

Two years passed quietly, Tong almost forget their human rights on the previous quarter. Woodcutter girl has now become a beautiful young woman that brown layer of clothing does not reduce life's bright puberty. Seems clear, pure loving sketch of the girl had changed completely streak cruel, selfish, arrogant Tong's past. He has become a normal person like everyone else, day to day slog, but in the heart of a quiet, gentle. Tong began enjoying the happiness that lives in the line of silk velvet is not known, it is love.

One day, the Tribe has just completed a large tree down, being stroked my forehead, then heard a groan near, turned back he saw a dog looked at him a tragic way. The dog was very old, thin, looks like dying. Tong sat down on her hands caressed the animal, it looked inviting thanks.Available pack mo rice and dried fish as lunch, Tong took part for it. Dogs only eat once a smooth clean. Tong looked at it, suddenly remembered a picture of me two years ago, this place also to exhaustion as the current pitiful creature.

When Tong returned to the tent carrying axes, roughly following the blue dog leg. At night, everyone in the house still turn to bed, lying awake Tong, suddenly heard a slight noise, presumably the dog is located next to the foot.Tong patted the animal licked his hands, then suddenly quiet in the night heard it said, "I do not recognize me? It was me that brought you here! Do you remember the words he said to me is "if you only the most important, loin in the forest to beg"?

Dog im a long time and then said: "Now anah believe there is no god"? General replied: "I believe in mi and ask forgiveness for the souls of his children."

- He is willing to listen to me?

- Speak for me.

* * *

The next day, which was dark and not see the total return. Where not seen all night. Daughter awake, waiting, crying silently. Morning frost crystals had the same father, she went into the woods, where Tribe of civilians to firewood, water and wine that voted in the tree. Looking back up the tree has shed a large piece of bark, she read the words of the Apostolic sharp blade used to record that "the Tribe has to go, and always remembered her appointment will be back"

While sad girl back to the hut in the forest, the Tribe went away, followed by dogs, do not ask it to find her nowhere.

Go to a village fair in the winter, dog trick as many games as word art sure of Tong, made many people curious to see luxuriant again, the prize money. Wealthy merchants compete offers teachers the dog about public finance paragraph treatment.

From village to other villages, it came from districts across the province, Tong same dog nowhere to be admired as well, giving gifts of money. Two teachers living a full and swell along the dusty wind.

From chronic back down the road, people and things go, go forever. Cloth bag worn Tong began his wonky money, and worse every day. Tong never asked the dog as it will go nowhere. Dogs do not talk anymore, and also looks no different from its fellows, in addition to financial intelligence dance and show understanding of people's words.

An afternoon at the cattle barn, Tong and the dog went to the city. Through the gate, the total recall which year you take the exam projector carrying tents, tables and write the name on gold, resulting in as many years experience using grinding hard puncher.

At the capital's reputation was soon rumored teachers all over the Tribe. Apart from the ingenious dance game according to the lord of all, dogs also make people amazed at the comments never wrong. Man or woman is married or not, children are more or less, what career do, how old, rich or poor, dogs are answered exactly according to predefined conventions. Galaxy of mouth goes a dog god, a rumor reached the king. He also wanted to know the natural wonders of the dog, see if the rumors have spread too much of a budget.

Trying to fit into the front yard to represent. Tong King not out to make a surprise debut guys civilians true kings of ritual prayer. Tong King did not realize that the voters who have been dismissed. The dog started jumping dance, laugh and tears flow even when it only promote the right of the product by stripping bark back. Last game was a dog poetry. White Paper would cover up concrete yard, forcing the dog pen in the leg. After marking ink pen to work, thinking dog nodded then draft the rules is always a present to the king. Writing like a flying dragon phoenix dance, poetic and elegant, sleek unusual.

Guard to the king sleep, shocked that the king may have a useful list of what the poet may be contemporary or more poems of the other four-legged animals. While exciting, the king commanded the Tribe from this dog was always at the hospital in the supply cabinet and the wages given to the king.

Tong said all thank him, he was king: "Your Majesty only seen a few games that trick alone, faithful animal of the god also knows a lot more weird." See King became more curious, surprised, went Tong said: "If you want to witness real Majesty damaged, please god Majesty shareholders meeting summoned enough publicity and warrior in the back court yard."

King anxious to see new games, and he immediately approved the proposal of the Tribe and communication throughout the ministers must be present tomorrow. Tribe is back for a meeting with a private moment before the king began his demonstration of the extraordinary role.Although bold request, but also accepted as king is high.

Tomorrow, the King fell before the court, promote the warrior gather enough before winter yard. Tong and the dog was brought into the King met separately socket. King ordered back to guard described property, New School, said, "Your majesty, god dog outside the intelligence they produce different kinds of it, there is public financing guess what secret thoughts, secret actions of people that speak out for God, and there are many wise comments love god. Majesties If allowed, it will describe each patriarch of the dynasty in how service Majesty " .

King heard amazed, asking how Tong. Tong said: "Your Majesty to guard and promote the name of each product with the tide and allow your dog to be near to god comment, sniff each position, then, give it a time to meet privately with god god it was reported that a vessel of the same Majesty. "

King Forest Court, said negotiations for the implementation of the proposals of the Tribe. The dog walks through the upper front rows mail, court officials, under guard of the speakers before each name-calling. The confusion of thought, the king presented the joke is this, when the dog stopped in front of each person, standing on hind legs, two eyes to look at bed, put your nose to smell the clothes.

Later, Tong and the dog was put into a separate room between four walls watertight. Tong said the dog over to him, or love to return, and two teachers were taken to King pedestal own comments.

After the tug's comments about the dogs, most are true to the real one, Tong tell the king or an important discovery: "Your majesty, there is a conspiracy to usurp the status, sexual Majesty Island along the road of loyalty to the dynasty. He who led the rebellion this is none other than the image of upper-mail, leaders who have the gift of life more than anyone else, Majesty. "

Sad King astonishment, horror, Tong always tell them the list of civil conspiracy and we have plans of data categories, then serving his throne before him, saying, "God please Majesty looked for security review to see situation is not true. If your dog is wrong and god knows hull busy man to do to superiors, the god of death would be lese majeste. If any true ... "

The King is suddenly looked thoughtful thinking head on, "If you do something like the secretary said the ship, I shall never forget the thanks khanh Where teachers. Now I want to loyal secretary and animals in a particular place in the provision prohibits, not missing something, wait until the reviews felt I clearly said Secretary said is correct. "

By order of King, Tong was taken to a separate provision, available to serve the people and soldiers guarding the ceiling plucking out his sword. Three days after a courtier to invite Tong. Through rows of gilded palaces lacquer, Tong by foot into the middle of the court hall, the king is seen sitting on the dragon throne. Mass concrete global implementation knelt down, the king stepped up and say that you watch, "I allow this secretary from his people only as long kneeling bow percent, to remember the secretary has helped keep the integrity long felt I could and sat valuable help from victims Jiangshan infantry training. All these words are certified professional secretary him, exactly. Flood psychotic arrested have pleaded guilty. We will treat water as allowed. "

King did not just sign terror conspiracy trial discovery of crowd space god king, moved with Tong said, "I do not know the Secretary is, where to go, but from here I want my secretary in the hundreds, with National Master, stripped of most of the food court stations for secretary. khanh station was allowed back into the palace banned, want to meet at any time felt I was, and secretary at the station under it. "

Tong King for a huge mansion, given how much gold and jewels, Leopard build, and every time something important decisions were also consulted the national association.Right to live in the world, silk velvet, Tong is also happy to see nothing, we never see Tong laughed. One day king intimate questions about the cause of your sadness Khanh Thuong, New Apostolic him, that although honestly enjoy many privileges bestowed by the king, never found our tone fun place between gold electrical supply pearl, and the king for permission to return home to visit the grave father. King did not want to leave benefactor, but also had to listen to the pleas of the Tribe.

A few days later, on my way home, Tong no longer have a dog who make games anymore, but stately king sat on the board for weeks, going between Union soldiers under the most majestic hairy. Go to the village, where three years ago Apostolic Communion kneeling king dogs were snapping hat shirt caused so many farmers, Tong moved dismounted security entourage stopped. He went back inside the stone road, holding the first sitting of thinking. By the time looking up, Tong is not surprising to see a solemn procession by the local voters who lead the way to take, the more Tribe more surprised to hear his public position has been replaced three years ago to serve the king read reference Tribe appointed rulers of this region.

Or believe the people close to the National Teacher of the emperor to his seed, young and old big baby all the way to go to invite each other, celebrate English Tribe up sitting on the ground to see out his horse. The noise suddenly silent when people recognize the patriarch of most major food court is the government who have done evil before all the people in the region fear. Tong smiled jumped off the horse, to call the elders that said: "May the peace of mind and security tools, please reassure your child. The return today is not that people have been chased before. Could you I know that the son of the first tools on the Le'll try to be worthy of his famous father. There's one thing I want to clear all: the dog by my side here, a loyal friend of my teacher before, has helped me be like today, people must be respected equally well me. I repent the mistakes of the previous day, now that I live is to work to help people. "

Concrete promise, people in the region are living peacefully with a rule of righteousness, virtue. The dog is next to Tong, quietly said no more. One evening, it suddenly regained his voice told Tribe: "He was thinking of getting married to have children is not descendant clan"? Tong smiled: "It is, but this time I do not listen to none, I voluntarily took a decision myself." Dogs do not talk any more, smile brightens of my mouth.

The next day, Tong prepared to go, followed by a convoy transporting the horse many offerings. Although the Tribe was not told where to go, but the dog had to predict, leading to run you through. Ice Forest, wading streams, the group approached the evening before the horse to the woodcutter's hut where Tong has lived through two years of labor force.

Fear that a girl troops to their previous home, fled into.Feared by both houses, just glad to see the dress hat xenh Tong Gas release.

Tong's wedding location with the woodcutter's daughter a great celebration. All poor people in the region are invited to eat for three days just wandering always linked. King must bring precious gifts to celebrate. Then, invite parents and wife of the Apostolic Palace at, but he decided she did not give forests a familiar place.

Several months later, the Tribe is good news that his wife was pregnant, along with the bad news is the old dog to sleep does not always get up again. Dog funeral was celebrated very solemnly, wearing mourning for his wife Tong behind the door components, along with enough surface area according to population.

Animal graves that are built great, has recorded the state of beer, also handed down today. How many lives, god dog story still reminds the public domain in the mouth upstream.

Strange gourd

Important papers (ie lights) the poorest villages. They were very poor, so poor do not have a knife slash cool to play a spade to dig the ground cloves. Important papers go in for the village to get rice to nourish her.

Home owners very rich village, swarms of buffalo, elephants every flood, farm birds each wing, animals do not all run-footed ferret. Institution does not wish nothing more than plots, cluster shifting to rice, corn mother.

One day he told the newspaper the village:

- I do not want to rent for the village forever. I want a piece of rice, a bunch of baking. Village owners can give me a forest I sent Princess, broken rice is not?

Listen this guy says, shaking his head. 

He asked several times but was not yet answered all the village. One day the villagers are drinking alcohol, report back to the Notes application. He just annoyed over green mountains on the horizon and said:

- Well, you did then I would not want to regret anymore.If you have power, then all the other mountains, you're spoiled for development.

Listen to the village say, Organization happy too, rushed back to inform the mother said. Mother advised:

- Children should not go, there is a wild mountain spot in the Tiger leopard, snakes. Child to die it will be correct.Someday, someone replaced the nurturing, caring mother?

He comforted sheet:

- I do not worry. Lobster fat children are not afraid, no snakes the business. Village land owners have, I will definitely be baking, breaking the field.

Seeing the determination, the mother can not stop anymore. The next morning, Organization mother goodbye on his way. He just aimed towards the mountain front that goes green. Going on, for nine days, nine nights without a break, the tenth day, attach to the foot of the mountain newspaper. It was an immense forest wide, tree to tree insert another small enclosed ground. Portrait of small trees broken hand, taking down trees to ice dams.Through nine days, nine nights anymore, Organization has been exploring a large land area. By the tenth day, he suddenly saw a woodpecker fly to say:

- Think of the hands of a company has, Organization. I have a story to tell you. Let our little birds to nest trees.Ray has more than farming his home village and there. I fly up the wings off and he still can not field, he just found out crowd.

Woodpeckers heard saying, sheet no hands NOTE stop vertical again. Found him back horizontally. Also to the tenth day, then he saw a golden deer in the forest running out, said:

- Ray Ray his broad fold of the village then. I've run both knees and still not tired at all. Give him the land for our animals.

Organization hear deer, stop arms. It is true that man's field than the field length of the village, across the broader farming village. From now on, family guy will have corn, wheat. Important papers to get fire burning stone dam.Done, the guy on the take up sowing rice seeds. But when he got home, how many rice varieties, the mother he had eaten already. He asked to borrow the house in, but no one to borrow rice for him. Along the way, He must report to the village to borrow the rice seeds. Name of the village for him to borrow sinister type of rice and boiled. He did not bring papers to the field to sow. Not that grows rice, he went to the village home loan again. Home Village said:

- Christmas is not fun for you first, sir Organization. You do not waste your energy in vain. If this plant would not grow, then you are just so some eyebrows. You came to me in renting it.

Just as the villagers say, the second time, sow rice Organization does not grow. Looking at both the cluster and field, the grass has started growing, young trees were sprouting. Organization sad cry. Giang sure do not want to mother him a rice meal, suddenly found a dried gourd where to go, hit in the leg. Annoyed, he elected to kick away the water, but it went back, hit him in the leg. Two or three times so, Sheets He thought: "Was I elected to eat this plant. Eat a live person is elected. If not, is his only way back to work for the village."

Think so, then he picked up on the election results from different mothers elected to field planting. On arriving, he elected to visit the stone, sprinkle nuts around the field.

The next day, the view field. Organization amazed because he was a field of forest elected. The next day again, election day with flowers and a third small hole through the fruit fields.

Organization happy too, picking fruit on a grilled food that is delicious. Too happy, he cried:

- Live it, we will vote for her, she sure is happy.

But when Ray came to pick her vote on the election, both the fields of gold yogurt. Green gourd dishes subject yesterday, today has dried Bangladesh. Important papers to travel back across the field, watching the election results, dry the tears flowing out. He thought: "Teaching is not for eating fresh election, the election of grain for poultry feeding her so little." He immediately picked a visit to the stone fruit. Double gourd broke, do not know the man launched which is nuts, but unlike the first county election, but a tiny, hard shell. He looked on the sheet is correct grain. Barriers to grain flow barriers such as waterfalls. Amazing too, he beat test results Monday and Tuesday results, results are always full of paddy rice.Important papers celebrate too quickly picking elected, each pile of material into the hut and sent home for parent grain.

Came home, found her lying by the fire remains huddle, skin and bones get so hungry. He lay newspaper called her panic.

- Mom, is it rice. Children brought here, she got up and ate.

The mother opened her eyes, saw me, tears flowing out.To see baskets of rice on the kitchen she closed her eyes and said.

- I sell grain to pay for it, dear. Mom does not eat rice hatch not by strength of our mother made. I would rather die than eat the mother's right to steal, steal.

- Mom, I know that's rice. Elephant journal says.

The mother is still shaking his head:

- I went to sow wheat, crops would not grow. Children sow herd, flock to eat it again make Giang withering away.Yet the protection of paddy fields is the mother, that is why the news.

- If the mother does not believe her to piggyback onto the field to see, she will clear.

No wait she said, lifting her up Organization, shocked woman on the back gate. As he went flying to the hut was a moment between fields. He put her lying on the kitchen fire and took a gourd, smashed into rocks. Grain from the barrier fence gourd flowing out like waterfalls. The mother saw it, his eyes light up:

- Christmas Mother help my son and my son.

Since the herds of exotic field, the mother becomes fed Organization. People under the hungry, for each field digging up tubers, rice is the guy your mother, so that through the famine.

He listened intently through information sheet found in herds on the mountain fields that have surplus rice, four sought debt. He paid a fair sheet of dozens of election, the village theater heroes on film colony, certain germ phen would excess grain lifetime. But when the dam is elected, the result always full of sand gravel. Home angry villagers could not do anything but boys. Note also the mother sheet henceforth never be the same hunger.